"Surge of 3-D films set for U.S. theaters by 2009
A 3-D technology developed to help NASA astronauts practice making repairs in space is set to revolutionize the way people watch movies by 2009, when a wave of live-action 3-D movies hit theaters.
Just 18 months ago, "Chicken Little," the first modern 3D movie, touched off a sensation among studio executives and theater chain owners who say the crisp, digital images of the new 3-D will drive profits in the next decade.
The slate of 3-D films set for 2009 is led by "Titanic" director James Cameron's "Avatar." The technology has the backing of Walt Disney Co., which set up a 3-D studio with "Polar Express" director Robert Zemeckis this year, and DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc., which pledged to release all its films in 3-D in 2009. "
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