Quem quer estes monstros nas ilhas e nos céus dos Açores?
Na foto, vê-se um F-35, avião em fase de produção, cujos treinos estão previstos - conjuntamente com os já existentes F-22- para os céus dos Açores, tendo a Base das Lajes como plataforma.
Será que os responsáveis nacionais e regionais que já deram o seu pré-acordo a estas
intenções leram os dossiês ou procuraram perceber o que está em causa?
Só para termos uma ideia do que são estes "brinquedos", como bem lhes chamou FiatLux, aqui fica:
"Environmental concernsIn late 2008 the Air Force revealed that the F-35 would be about twice as loud at takeoff as the F-15 Eagle and up to four times as loud upon landing. As a result, residents near Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona and Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, possible homes of the jet, have requested that the Air Force conduct environmental impact studies concerning the F-35's noise levels.The city of Valparaiso, Florida, adjacent to Eglin AFB threatened in February 2009 to sue the Air Force over the impending arrival of the F-35s
Armament Weapons bay on a mock-up of the F-35.The F-35 includes a GAU-22/A four-barrel 25 mm cannon.The cannon will be mounted internally with 180 rounds in the F-35A and fitted as an external pod with 220 rounds in the F-35B and F-35C.
Internally (current planned weapons for integration), up to two air-to-air missiles and two air-to-ground weapons (up to two 2,000 lb bombs in A and C models; two 1,000 lb bombs in the B model) in the bomb bays. These could be AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-132 ASRAAM, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) — up to 2,000 lb (910 kg), the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) — a maximum of four in each bay, the Brimstone anti-armor missiles, and Cluster Munitions (WCMD. The MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile is currently being adapted to fit internally in the missile spots and may be integrated into the F-35. The UK had originally planned to put up to four AIM-132 ASRAAM internally but this has been changed to carry 2 internal and 2 external ASRAAMs.It has also been stated by a Lockheed executive that the internal bay will eventually be modified to accept up to 6 AMRAAMs.
At the expense of being more detectable by radar, many more missiles, bombs and fuel tanks can be attached on four wing pylons and two wingtip positions. The two wingtip pylons can only carry AIM-9X Sidewinders, while the AIM-120 AMRAAM, Storm Shadow, Joint Air to Surface Stand-off Missile (JASSM) cruise missiles and 480 gallon fuel tanks can be carried in addition to the stores already integrated. An air-to-air load of eight AIM-120s and two AIM-9s is conceivable using internal and external weapons stations, as well as a configuration of six two thousand pound bombs, two AIM-120s and two AIM-9s.With its payload capability, the F-35 can carry more air to air and air to ground weapons than legacy fighters it is to replace as well as the F-22 Raptor."
Quem quiser estes aviões nas ilhas e nos céus dos Açores, não faça nada.
Quem quiser os Açores belos, puros e limpos, está à distância de um
click para Obama.