segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2008

Tragedy in Tibet

Less than a year ago I was in Tibet, strolling the very streets that have just witnessed such wreckage and carnage. It was obvious then that the long-suffering Tibetans were planning to protest in the run-up to the Olympics. It was obvious too, that this would be followed by a violent crackdown. We won't get to know much more about this, though, because news reports are already being banned. One day, we will live in a world that cares more about justice than entertainment. Till then, this year's gold medal for repression, oppression and suppression goes... to China!

Jonathan Cainer

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2008

Vatican lists "new sins," including pollution

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Thou shall not pollute the Earth. Thou shall beware genetic manipulation. Modern times bring with them modern sins. So the Vatican has told the faithful that they should be aware of "new" sins such as causing environmental blight.

The guidance came at the weekend when Archbishop Gianfranco Girotti, the Vatican's number two man in the sometimes murky area of sins and penance, spoke of modern evils.

Yahoo News/Reuters

(Imagem: Salvador Dali (1904-1989), Cristo de São João da Cruz, 1951, Óleo s/ Tela, 204.8 x 115.9cm, St Mungo Museum Of Religious Life and Art, Glasgow)

domingo, 9 de março de 2008

El carguero europeo parte con destino a la Estación Espacial Internacional.
El Pais

Na imagem, Ariane 5, que transporta o cargueiro espacial Jules Verne, partindo da Guiana Francesa com destino à Estação Espacial Internacional. O lançamento realizou-se na passada madrugada. O voo foi acompanhado pela estação de rastreio de satélites da Agência Espacial Europeia, na ilha de Santa Maria, nos Açores.

sábado, 1 de março de 2008

I was touched by a poem in the 1998, number 3 issue (of the American-Portuguese Genealogical Society), titled "A MINHA MÃE, NATURAL DE BRUGES". The Flemish title being "IK BEN TROTS" (I am proud). The poem came from a book by Dr. A Vandewalle, "AZOREN,
VLAEMSCHE EYLANDEN" (Azores, Flemish Islands).
This is what it said in Flemish:


To my mother, born in Bruges
I am proud, Mother, to be your son,
Proud that my cradle stood here, on these Azores,
These Flemish Islands which delivered praise
To a people of daring seafarers.
I am proud of loving your fatherland
As if it was mine, believe me...
I am Portuguese and Flemish, without breaking
With the love whom I, cherish for my land of birth

Martin Verhaeg, em post na Rootsweb
Fonte da imagem:

A mão sobre o mapa
não viaja

Mas chegar à luz dos teus olhos
é entrar no porto
o navio que deram por perdido.

Pequeno Poema Infinito - Pedro da Silveira
Fonte da imagem: